Monday, January 4, 2010

My 365 Journey is complete..

All-in-all, Project365 was fun. I learned a little bit about photography (though I still am not very good!), a little more about photo-editing (still lots to learn there, but at least I'm not as intimidated with all the options now!), and a bit more about my own little camera's settings (still much to learn and conquer!). I had my periods where I just forgot about my daily pics altogether or scrambled for any pic I could manage just before getting to bed. But there were also days that I couldn't get enough pics and when the time came to post, choosing just one was out-right HARD.

Looking back, it was a great experience. I documented a lot about my life that will fill in what everyday was like, what habits we had, where we went regularly and what we did often. I definitely started seeing trends. I knew that we enjoyed visiting The Village, but I didn't realize how often we went and that we only seemed to go during Spring and Summer. Most pics were taken around my house, which makes me think we spend too much time at home and should get out more often! And the subject of most of the pics shouldn't be any surprise: my two little ones. :)

I loved the experience of trying to take a pic everyday, but I must admit it becomes a chore at times. In spite of this, I still feel a desire to take lots of pics of the everyday and to document everyday life, but a pic a day is overwhelming! That is why I think this year I will make it a weekly set of pics. Some weeks may be slow, I may forget a few days and only have 3 pics to post..that's alright! Other weeks may have lots to show, I may have 10 pics from a single day, and that's alright, too! I think this is just the right approach for me. I'll still be getting plenty of pics, but I won't be overwhelmed with forcing a pic everyday, or making 365 separate posts!! Creating 20 different posts in one day was an enormous task in-and-of itself!

So, to wrap this up, here's a cheer to the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010! May this year's project not be so daunting!! :D

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on making it through!! Look forward to seeing next year's pics. :)
